TWAN Update
14 April 2009
- Chile Welcomes The World at Night: see the opening of TWAN-IYA2009 traveling exhibition in Chile. - TWAN in Stuttgart Planetarium: see the photo report of TWAN traveling exhibition in Germany arrives in Stuttgart. - TWAN in Berlin: see the photo report of The World at Night exhibition and presentation in the palace of post and telecommunication museum in Berlin. - There are new items on TWAN shop: Large framed print of selected TWAN artwork photographs in normal and panoramic format, general purpose greeting cards and mouse pad with a TWAN photo. - There are new stunning photos and time-lapse videos on TWAN website, featuring starry nights of the planet's landmarks from Australia, Asia and Middle East, to Africa, Europe and Americas:
- Starry Night of Mauna Kea (Hawaii) by Wally Pacholka
- Perseid Meteor Shower (California) by Wally Pacholka
- Mushroom Rock and Airglow (Kansas) by Doug Zubenel
- Sky Aplenty (Oklahoma) Doug Zubenel
- Halo Around the Moon by Yuichi Takasaka
- VLT and the Center of Milky Way by Stephane Guisard
- Hungary Circumpolar by Tamas Ladanyi
- The Cosmic Pair in Swedish Winter by P-M Heden
- Jupiter and Milky Way by P-M Heden
- ISS and Space Shuttle over Figueres by Juan Carlos Casado
- Catalonia Solar Analemma by Juan Carlos Casado
- Brittany Sky in Virtual Reality (virtual reality Flash file) by Laurent Laveder
- Night Inside the Ruins (virtual reality Flash file) by Laurent Laveder
Asia and Middle East
- Big Dipper and Cherri Blossoms by Shingo Takei
- Stars of Orion by Oshin Zakarian
- Caveman View by Babak Tafreshi
- The Pleasure of Spring by Babak Tafresh
- Blossoms and Milky Way by Oshin Zakarian
- Reaching for the Heavens by Oshin Zakarian
- Lightenings and Stars (time-lapse video) by Babak Tafreshi
- Mediterranean Winter Sky by Tunc Tezel
- A Night of Fall by Babak Tafreshi
Australia and Pacific
- Meteor and Windmill by John Goldsmith
Canary Islands (Spain)
- Astrophotogapher Self-portrait by Serge Brunier
- Observing From Teide Observatory by Juan Carlos Casado
- Anti-crepuscular Rays by Juan Carlos Casado
Guest Gallery is a a well-received section on TWAN website to feature selected outstanding Earth and sky photos by non-TWAN creative photographers from around the globe. If you have such remarkable photos to share with TWAN Guest Gallery, please contact us.There are new featured photos on the Guest Gallery:
- VLTI in the Morning (Chile) by Yuri Beletsky
- STS-119 and ISS over Pisa (Italy) by Marco Meniero
- Ancient Temple and Young Moon (Greece) by Chris Kotsiopoulos
- Venus and Light Pillar (Germany) by Stephan Heinsius
- Venus over Wiesbaden (Germany) by Stephan Heinsius
- TWAN is featuring six special galleries:
TWAN is a global program of Astronomers Without Borders ( and a Special Project of International Year of Astronomy 2009, an initiative by IAU and UNESCO. The World at Night is to produce and present a collection of stunning photographs of the world's most beautiful and historic sites against the nighttime backdrop of stars, planets and celestial events. The eternally peaceful sky looks the same above all symbols of different nations and regions, attesting to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories.
Building bridges through the sky
The World at Night
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