Solar eclipse unites India and Bangladesh during IYA2009
4 August 2009
A Star Peace meeting between India and Bangladesh to observe the total solar eclipse in July 2009 has been hailed as a great success.
This historic meeting, held with the collaboration of Astronomers Without Borders, took place on the afternoon of 21 July in the border between India and Bangladesh near the Pillar No. 433 of India, about 20km from Panchagarh, Bangladesh. The Bangladesh team was led by F. R. Sarker, General Secretary of the Bangladesh Astronomical Society and IYA2009 SPoC, and the Indian team was led by Debasis Sarkar, the General Secretary of Sky Watcher's Association of North Bengal, an affiliated organisation of the Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers. Each team consisted of about 15 members including journalists. It was the first meeting of its kind No-Man's Land between Bangladesh and India.
The short meeting was a great leap for the astronomers of Bangladesh and India, allowing them to express their solidarity and friendship in the fields of astronomical activities with the bold conviction in mind that one day our Earth will be a place where people will live without borders.
Read more about this inspirational event, and see accompanying photos, here:
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