European Planetary Science Congress 2010: call for abstracts
19 March 2010
Once again it's time to submit an abstract to the European Planetary Science Congress. EPSC 2010 will take place in the Angelicum Centre of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Rome, Italy from 19 to 25 September 2010. The abstract deadline is 10 May 2010. This will be an excellent opportunity for communicators to present the results of IYA2009 projects.
EPSC is intended to provide an attractive platform to exchange and present results, develop new ideas and to network the planetary science community in Europe. It has a distinctively interactive style, with a mix of talks, workshops, panels and posters, intended to provide a stimulating environment for the community to meet. So the format should enable everyone to find a good audience. Note that as usual, we will be providing bursaries to a large number of PhD students to support their attendance.
Congress website:
More information about the Outreach and Amateur Astronomy sessions:
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