13th Global Hands-on Universe Meeting
1 July 2010
GHOU 2010 is organized by Technische University Munich (TUM) and European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Munich, Germany.
August 1-2-3, 2010: GTTP/Training conference
This will be in Garching at TUM, where we will take advantage of the wonderful Garching Science infrastructure.
A very significant experience for most of our workshop attendees: ESA, ESO, Big Reactor, BMW factory, etc.
August 4, 2010: Conference Tours! To be announced.
August 5-6-7, 2010: GHOU conference at TUM in Garching.
Local Organizing Committee
- Andreas Kratzer, TUM
- Verena Kratzer, University of California, Berkeley
- Christine Wittmann, TUM
- Nastaran Matthes, TUM Informatics Dominik Bösl, TUM
- Christian Clemens, MPE + TUM
- Wolfgang Dorsch, Gymnasium Ettal
- Lars Lindberg Christensen, ESO
Main Topics
Workshop (August 1st -3rd)
- Galileo Teacher Training Program
- Software tools in computer science and astronomy GHOU Resources
- Dark Matter, Exo-Planets!
- The Universe Quest Game!
- Hands-on Activities
- Remote Telescopes
- High School Projects
- Visit to Garching Institutes
GHOU Main Conference (August 5th -7th)
- Hands-on Universe Around the Globe
- Galileo Teacher Training Programme
- Outreach Strategies
- School Projects and Discoveries, and Many New Opportunities!
- International School Projects
- Astronomy and Culture/Philosophy
- New Methods/Projects in Education
- Astronomical Software
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