Galileo 1610

Galileo 1610
A One-Man Dramatic, Musical Production by Mark A. Thompson
It's May, 1609.
Galileo is 45-years old, the father of three illegitimate children; a burned-out, financially-strapped mathematics professor in Padua who is desperately seeking patronage from the ruling Medici family in Florence so he might return to his ancestral home with security-- and he hears about an optical device just invented in the Netherlands that is apparently able to render faraway things as though nearby.
Could we get a glimpse into the mind of a man whose destiny it was to be the first human being to assault the heavens with a telescope, and explain to the rest of us what he saw?
I believe we can, and for over a decade I have endeavored to do just that. Since 1996 I have appeared as Galileo on radio, at community theaters, schools, colleges and universities throughout the United States.
"Certainly I had imagined encounters with Galileo often enough to almost feel his presence in my life, but I never heard the sound of his wonderful singing voice until his alter-ego Mark Thompson serenaded me. Music and humor, like observation and interpretation, helped Galileo make sense of the universe."
Dava Sobel, renowned author of Galileo's Daughter Go back in time and meet "Galileo" on the verge of his sudden trajectory toward fame and invite him to join your organization in celebrating IYA2009.
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International Year of Astronomy 2009