Donation Page

Thank you for your interest in how to support the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Your donation will help us keep our already successful projects going on and educate the general public about science and astronomy. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have further enquiries about how to help the IYA2009.
Donate via PayPalTo make a donation via PayPal, simply enter the amount you want to donate here and click the Donate button. |
Donate via Cheque
You can make cheques payable to the International Astronomical Union and post to: |
Donating with a Bank Transfer or Direct Deposit
If you wish to donate in support of the work of the International Year of Astronomy, please transfer the amount you wish to donate to one of the following accounts: Transfer Reference (if possible): IYA2009 SWIFT: UBSWCHZH80A - This reference applies to all accounts (it does not replace the IBAN number)
When you make your payment please ask the bank to include your name and email address so we can acknowledge your donation. |
Add the IYA2009 Donation Button on your website and help our fundraising campaign!All you have to do is to choose one of the options below, copy, and paste the provided code in the html code of your webpage. Horizontal 300 x 155 pixels:
Vertical, 100x230 and 50x115 pixels: |