Beyond IYA2009 Updates
3 September 2010
Online Universe Wins AAAS Education Website Award
A website that brings the universe into the homes and onto the computer screens of professional and amateur astronomers alike has won a Science Prize for Online Resources in Education, known as SPORE, from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. More information:
Postcards from the Edge of the Universe
On 7 September at 10:30 a book based on the IYA2009 Cornerstone project, Cosmic Diary, entitled Postcards from the Edge of the Universe, will be launched at the ESO exhibition stand during the JENAM2010 Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. More information:
JENAM2010 Special Session: New Trends in Global Astronomy Education:
Babak Tafreshi: Hosting Star Parties in Iran
Babak Tafreshi featured on Dicover Magazine: Inspired by Carl Sagan, Babak Tafreshi is on a mission to bring the wonder of astronomy to the Middle East, and to the world. More info:
Get Ready for The Great World Wide Star Count
The Great World Wide Star Count encourages everyone to go outside, look skyward after dark, note the stars in certain constellations, and report what they could see online.The Great World Wide Star Count will be held from October 29 - November 12, 2010. For more information visit
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