European Astronomical Society announces IYA2009 projects.
22 December 2008
The European Astronomical Society (EAS) has received over 25 applications from IYA2009 projects seeking their support. The difficult process of whittling them down has been completed, and the result are four initiatives that show great potential. With the support of EAS and IYA2009, they will greatly contribute toward the success of the year. The projects are:
An astrophotography exhibition, "A journey through the universe".
The Austrian organising committee for IYA2009 has prepared an online picture gallery of outstanding astronomical photographs made by amateur and professional Austrian astronomers. This exhibition will be displayed under the arcades of the main building of the University of Vienna, at the University of Innsbruck, and also at various other locations in Austria.
"From Earth To The Universe" exhibition in Portugal.
This project aims to implement the FETTU project in mainland Portugal in numerous cities, and on the Portuguese island of Madeira. The images of wonderful astronomical objects seek to bring the beauty of the heavens to a wide audience.
"Tales of the Stars" storybook for children.
Developed within the framework of the Universe Awareness Cornerstone and produced by UNAWE-Spain. The tales in the book originate from mythologies of different cultures: Greek and Roman, Arabic, Maya, Aztec and others. Each story is related to an astronomical concept and a short scientific explanation accompanies each tale for parents and teachers. The explanations relate what people saw in those times with what we know today.
Ukranian Internet-telescope.
Among the initiatives of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association devoted to IYA2009 is a project providing online access to the Internet-telescope of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the pupils of schools of the Kyiv region. There will also be online astronomy lessons and international teleconferences with pupils from other European countries.
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