Save the Dates: April 2011 is Global Astronomy Month
23 November 2010

April 2011 will again be a busy month for amateur and professional astronomers, educators and astronomy enthusiasts as Global Astronomy Month (GAM) returns for its second edition. The annual event, organized by Astronomers Without Borders, celebrates the Universe in the spirit of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 cornerstone project ”100 Hours of Astronomy.”
Astronomy clubs, science centers, schools, educators, and other astronomy enthusiasts worldwide are invited to reserve dates in April 2011 for public outreach, hands-on activities, observing sessions and more while sharing the enthusiasm with others across the globe during Global Astronomy Month. Everyone is invited either to join the global programs or initiate their own activities during April 2011.
This is the second edition of GAM, after its launch last year, when Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) coordinated seven global events dedicated to remote observing, fighting light pollution, world peace, observations of the sky and cultural manifestations, as well as encouraging the organization of local events.
A growing list of global programs are scheduled for GAM 2011. The month kicks off with the lord of the rings on April 2/3, designated as Saturn Watch. With the planet at its closest to Earth, it’s a perfect night to admire the unequaled beauty of the ringed planet. On April 9 the Global Star Party will unfold as darkness sweeps around the Earth. This is the night to set up your telescopes and share the wonders of the sky with others. From April 10 to 16 it’s Lunar Week as our gaze turns toward Earth’s natural satellite. Just as the Moon has captured our imagination for millennia, it never fails to fascinate with close-up views of its craters and mare. Educational and cultural events dedicated to the Moon are also planned. On April 17 we switch from night to day, dedicating ourselves to our closest star on SunDay. The month closes on a high point with a peak – of meteors. On April 21/22 get comfortable in something warm and spend the night scanning the sky for meteors caused by debris left behind by Comet Thatcher. An incredible show awaits during Lyrids Watch.
More programs are to come as GAM grows with every group of people that joins us in the celebration of the Universe. Among these are Remote Observing Programs and a Cosmic Concert.
If you need another reason to join us during Global Astronomy Month, try these:
- GAM lets your science center or astronomy club participate in an internationally recognized project;
- GAM provides several events to attract visitors to your institution or astronomy club;
- GAM allows you to connect with your local community, including public authorities and the media;
- GAM gives you the chance to inspire young people to look up and wonder. Show your commitment to educating young people.
”There’s something for everyone”, says Mike Simmons, President of Astronomers Without Borders. IYA2009 showed the way to involving more people than ever,” and GAM is riding that wave of excitement in the discovery of our Universe.”
Join the celebration in April 2011 as Global Astronomy Month brings together thousands of passionate individuals and hundreds of organizations worldwide to share their enthusiasm in innovative new ways, connecting people through a great sense of sharing the Universe! It’s a month of celebrating Astronomers Without Borders’ motto – One People, One Sky!
Save the dates – April 2011 is Global Astronomy Month.
More information:
- Website:
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
Astronomers Without Borders
Astronomers Without Borders is dedicated to fostering understanding and goodwill across national and cultural boundaries by creating relationships through the universal appeal of astronomy. Astronomers Without Borders projects promote sharing, all through a common interest in something basic and universal – sharing the sky.
For further information please contact:
Mike Simmons
President, Astronomers Without Borders
Chair, GAM2011 Working Group
+1 818 486 7633
Thilina Heenatigala
GAM2011 Coordinator
+94 716 245 545
Oana Sandu
GAM2011 Public Relations Coordinator
+40 724 024 625
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