Call to action: Astro Library-Indonesia
3 December 2010
langitselatan (LS) - Southern Skies - is an astronomy communication and educator media in Indonesia run by young group of astronomy enthusiasts with the vision of getting astronomy in the local media, astronomy education and awareness throughout the country. LS has been working tirelessly over the years to achieve these by conducting star parties, telescope training, teachers training, hands on activities, story telling session, astronomy discussion and talk shows and astro-presentation.
To expand their efforts, LS hopes to build a small library which will be used by the members, students and the local community. Through the library project, they hope to increase the reading habits of young students and teachers as well. To achieve their dream of setting up a library to improve astronomy education in Indonesia, Astro Book Drive calls the international community to donate Astronomy reading materials.
Please read the call at:
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