100 Hours of Astronomy latest updates
27 February 2009
New Resources
We have added a number of new resources over the last week, these can be found at http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/all-content
Educational - These resources cater to students, teachers, instructors, informal and formal educators. We indicate whether the material is specific to a given country, age-range (from kindergarten to university) and who the material will be of most interest to. All material is in English unless stated otherwise. This list is by no means complete, and we welcome your suggestions for additional items-- please email Terry Bridges ( tjb@astro.queensu.ca)
Stickers - For those groups wanting to give something small to the members of the public who participated your 100 hours Starparty Event, we have put together three stickers - 'I Saw the Moon', 'I Saw the Sun' and 'I Saw Saturn.' These are downloadable, 30 labels per page and compatible with Avery 5160 labels. Note: If you would like a sticker made for your event, but want different wording, please send a jpg image, black font on white background of the words, no bigger than 252 pixels x 45 to Jennie at farmcoveobs@xtra.co.nz
Online Event Registration
We have recently added translated instructions on 'How To Register your 100HA Event'. This document is proving popular and has been helpful to a number of users. A huge thank you to the following people for kindly translating our document into different languages for the 100HA global audience - these pdf's are downloadable here http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/eventsmain
- Spanish: Bruno Sanchz-Andrade Nuno
- Indonesian: Avivah Yamani
- French: Michael Fortin
- Japanese: Ayani Kazuya
- Mandarin: Fong Moore
- Romanian: Valentin Gigore
- Portuguese: Ricardo Cardose Reis
- Russian: Sergey Karpr
- German:Gernot Meiser and Pascale Demy
If your country has its own web site for registering your 100 Hours of Astronomy events, please don't forget to register on the global web site at http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/eventsmain as well. This is where many people will come first and there are several ways for them to find your event. Support your national effort by raising the number of events shown in your country, too, in the new by-country map at http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/component/eventlist/countriesmap !
100 Hours Junior
We welcome the Universe Awareness (UNAWE) as a 100 Hours of Astronomy partner. This is a collaboration between 100 Hours of Astronomy and Universe Awareness (also an IYA global cornerstone project) to connect amateur and professional astronomers with young children around the world during (and perhaps after) 100 Hours of Astronomy. Visit their website and show your support - 100 Hours Junior
Don't forget to visit our Blog, Picture Gallery and Forum pages
These are good places to share new ideas, upload pictures from your events, get advice and find answers to your questions about organizing or attending 100 Hours of Astronomy events. http://100hoursofastronomy.org
Show your colors
100 Hours of Astronomy store is open for business at Cafe Press at http://www.cafepress.com/100HA . Resources for identification and advertising are available for download on our web site at http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/all-content but if you want something ready-made Cafe Press will supply it. The artwork used on the Cafe Press items is also available for download in our Resources section so you can have your own merchandise made locally or do it yourself.
More information:
Jennie McCormick MNZM
100 Hours of Astronomy Coordinator
IYA 2009 Cornerstone Project
2/24 Rapallo Place
Farm Cove, Pakuranga
Auckland 2012
New Zealand
Skype: jennie999
Email: farmcoveobs@xtra.co.nz
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