100 Hours of Astronomy: Update
12 March 2009
Excitement is building with only three weeks to go until the 100 Hours of Astronomy global event kicks off! Event registrations have been coming in thick and fast, resource downloads have been steady and most groups have now received their translated 100HA logos. Everything is on track for a very successful global 100 Hours of Astronomy 2009.
Remember to register your 100HA event on the global registry if you haven't already done so. I have included with this email an updated image of the 100HA global registry map. Certainly looks impressive. To take a closer look and see how your country is getting on - click here http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/component/eventlist/countriesmap
100HA Telescope Participation Stickers
We have designed four new stickers to be used at your 100 Hours of Astronomy event. These can be mounted onto your telescope tube or mount and are a great way of identify your telescope as being part of the world's biggest star party! They can also be kept as a 'keep sake' or reminder of your 100HA 2009 event. There are two colours to choose from and a special sticker for the SunDay event on 5 April. Smaller stickers will be produced shortly. http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/all-content#stationery_stickers
Official 100HA Poster
The new 100 Hours of Astronomy poster has been extremely popular and makes a wonderful printed poster display and is pefect for advertsing. If you would like a copy, visit our resource page: http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/all-content#posters
The 100 Hours of Astronomy blog has new entries
We encourage everyone to check out the 100 Hours blogs, photo galleries, and forums. We have a great group of bloggers, and very interesting blogs. Topic include, amateur astronomy, astronomy and music, Galileo and the Moon, and how to do astronomy events on a low budget. Our bloggers would love to have your comments too! http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/blogs?view=idoblog
Global Photogallery
There's been a great response to the Photo Galleries, and we have fantastic pictures from the Phillippines, India, UAE, Bangladesh, Romania, Saipan and Tunisia! We have received great feedback about these pages and look forward to seeing more posted over the coming weeks. Feel free to upload your pictures at any time. Thanks to all those groups for sharing their images so far. http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/photo-galleries
Don't forget the forum
The 100HA forums are your chance to discuss a range of topics relating to 100 Hours and astronomy in general, so we hope you will take advantage of this great resource."The 100 Hours of Astronomy forum is a good place to share new ideas, get advice and find answers to your questions about organizing or attending 100 Hours of Astronomy events.
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