News Round-up, 3 April
3 April 2009
Happy News-Day!
Even though the Around the World in 80 Telescopes webcast is in full swing, there's always time for news.
The 100 Hours of Astronomy (100HA) Cornerstone project is underway! So it's no surprise that the media have picked up on 100HA related stories. VOA News has made 100 Hours of Astronomy their website of the week. They also give a good overview of the project, so will be useful reading for anyone that wants to know what the fuss is all about.
More information about the webcast can be found on Gaea News and SmasHits. Spacestation-Shuttle Blog is highlighting NASA's participation, and Space Exploration Blog is doing the same for ESA. An excellent LiveBlog is covering the webcast, too. And it has made Astronomy Picture of the Day.
100HA is about popularising astronomy and encouraging people to look at the Universe themselves. With this is mind, it's good to see so many star parties planned. See Mercury News, Indiana's News Center, Western News, Hickory Record, and The Huntsville Item for some examples. To find events in your area, remember to check the official 100HA site.
Next, a story from Commercial Appeal. The From Earth to the Universe Cornerstone has reached Memphis, and will be on display at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library, 3030 Poplar, until April 30. Organiser and friend of IYA2009, Amit Kapadia, has furnished the article with some quotes. Try to make it along and see the exhibition, if you live in the area.
And now for something completely different. Do you fancy an astronomy-themed holiday? If so, you should read the Paradizio Blog which have found getaways suited to the International Year of Astronomy 2009. For example, Orient Express‘ "Closer to the Stars" package includes breakfast, a candlelit dinner, tickets to the Galileo Galilei exhibition at Palazzo, and exclusive access to the swimming pool for a midnight swim with a bottle of champagne. Sounds perfect! Except for the exhibition bit.
Now stop reading this and get involved in 100 Hours of Astronomy!
Don't forget to follow the webcast: "Around the World in 80 Telescopes":
Lee Pullen
IYA2009 Staff Writer
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