BLAST! Discovers Hidden Universe!
15 April 2009

Lot's of excitement here in our corner of the science world...
BLAST! is screening in Philadelphia April 15th.
Great timing because the BLAST experiment was featured last week on the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer. And on BBC News. In fact the BLAST scientists have been doing press in print, radio and TV from Vancouver to Toronto to Philadelphia to London.
That's because the first science results are published in this week's Nature Magazine and are causing a sensation.
In essence BLAST has revealed a "hidden Universe." Fifteen years ago, scientists observed that half the starlight in the Universe is in the invisible infra-red spectrum, but its source was unknown. Until now. BLAST has discovered that this light originates from previously hidden, dust-enshrouded galaxies. These early galaxies are known as "starburst galaxies" and form stars at rates hundreds of times faster than today's galaxies.
We have anticipated the attention and are organizing a New York theatrical run of BLAST! in June. Much more on that soon...
By the way, BLAST! won a Best Documentary award at Vedere la Scienza Festival in Milan, Italy.
To host a screening of BLAST!, and for information on special screening discounts for International Year of Astronomy 2009 events, contact us at: +1-866-610-1520
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