Sand & Flower Festa 2009 in Japan themed after Galileo and the IYA2009
4 May 2009
The 22nd Sand & Flower Festa 2009 in Minamisatsuma is being held from May 2 to 6 at Fukiage Beach in Kagoshima Prefecture. The history of this festival dates back to 1987 when they planned to activate the city by making large sand sculptures using sand of Fukiage Beach. The size of the event has grown up to welcome 150 thousands visitors last year. The theme of sand sculptures is Galileo Galilei and the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Obviously this festival is one of the official events of the IYA2009.
Seiichi Sakamoto, one of JAXA's bloggers on the Cosmic Diary was invited as a delegate of the IYA2009 Japan Committee and JAXA to give a public talk there.
Read more about it on
Sand & Flower Festa 2009 official website
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