Answer engine can help to plan IYA2009 events
25 May 2009

A new computational answer-engine called Wolfram|Alpha has been released. Unlike conventional search engines, facts are given directly based on questions provided by users.
This has particular relevance to astronomers, as the dedicated astronomy section shows. Sky charts can be quickly produced for any date and location, calculations of astronomical properties can be performed, and astrophysical calculations are simplified. This has important implications for planning IYA2009 events such as star parties and lectures.
Take the upcoming Cornerstone Project Galilean Nights, for example. This follow-up to 100 Hours of Astronomy will be occurring on 23-24 October 2009. Wolfram|Alpha quickly produces information for the relevant date and a specific location, which can even be saved as a PDF to form convenient handouts for public participants.
According to the official site, "Wolfram|Alpha aims to bring expert-level knowledge and capabilities to the broadest possible range of people-spanning all professions and education levels. Our goal is to accept completely free-form input, and to serve as a knowledge engine that generates powerful results and presents them with maximum clarity."
Wolfram|Alpha could well be a useful resource for astronomers both professional and amateur, helping to spread information throughout IYA2009 and far beyond.
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