Grenada starts IYA2009 celebration
28 May 2009

On Friday May 22nd. and Saturday May 23rd. students, teachers, parents and the general public in the Caribbean island of Grenada (known as the Isle of Spice) got the opportunity to attend informative workshops on Astronomy in the day and view the night skies in the evening compliments the Grenada National Commission for UNESCO, the Grenada Ministry of Education & Human Resource Development, the Caribbean Institute of Astronomy (CARINA) and corporate partners - Leeward Islands Air Transport (LIAT), LIME (formerly Cable & Wireless) and the Flamboyant Hotel & Villas.
For many attendees, it was the very first time that they had the opportunity to view the skies through a telescope. (Telescopes were brought in to Grenada by CARINA for the event).
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