Astronomy haiku competition: winner announced!
3 June 2009
Readers of the weekly news round-ups may remember a story about the UK IYA2009 contingent running a competition to celebrate the launch of full-dome digital planetarium show "We are Astronomers". To win four tickets to the show, followers of the Astronomy 2009 UK Twitter feed had to write their own astro-themed haiku!
Now the competition is over, and the winning entry has been announced. Congratulations to @MazP who produced this haiku:
Archer's bow stretched tight
Sirius and Orion
hunt the night sky down
@JustNoah was awarded second place:
Look into the night
The whole universe looks back
Suspended on stars
@AJAshworth won third place:
Explosions of stars,
lighting the black universe.
The dust-blooms of life.
Well done to all participants, and thanks to @astronomy2009uk for keeping us updated via Twitter.
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