IYA2009 and Web 2.0
3 June 2009
Astronomy is a science which embraces modern technology, so it is no surprise to see IYA2009 represented on the most popular Web 2.0 sites. Keeping up-to-date with developments and reading or seeing the latest news stories has never been easier. Thanks to the advent of social networks, it is also straightforward to contact and talk with other astronomy enthusiasts from around the world, helping to spread the word of IYA2009 far and wide.
The problem is that with such a dazzling array of websites, where is the best place to start? This short guide to the English speaking web 2.0 websites, will help you decide which sites are best for you.
First of all, we have Twitter. This free social networking / micro-blogging service has become incredibly popular. Users provide short updates called Tweets, which are delivered to people following the feed. The IYA2009 Twitter feed is updated regularly, and is an excellent way to keep track of IYA2009 news.
If videos interest you more than short updates, then the official IYA2009 YouTube site is worth a look. This site is used to upload and share videos, and with generous limits on length and resolution, offers a high-quality service. More videos will be continually added to the IYA2009 site throughout the year.
Facebook is a widespread social networking site which people primarily use to stay in contact with their friends and family. It also features "groups" which many users can join, where news and information is spread. IYA2009 has several groups: the official IYA2009 Facebook page is a great way to meet astronomy enthusiasts. Communicating Astronomy with the Public journal has a Facebook group where it is possible to ask questions to communicators. Several IYA2009 Cornerstone Projects have groups, including Cosmic Diary, Portal To The Universe, and She Is An Astronomer. If you are interested in these initiatives then you will certainly be welcome!
LinkedIn is a business-orientated networking site. The IYA2009 LinkedIn page is very useful for anyone wanting to organise astronomy events, as it is always constructive to talk through ideas with specialists.
Orkut is another social networking site, particularly popular in India and Brazil. Users can add information about themselves and create or join communities. The IYA2009 Orkut page is frequented by astronomy fans.
Finally, MySpace is an interactive site that people use to share blogs, photos, videos, music, and much more. Since its launch in 2003, it has proved to be incredibly successful. The IYA2009 MySpace page is worthy of attention for interested MySpace users.
By the very nature of Web 2.0 sites, content is rich, dynamic, and created constantly. So it is worth looking out for new IYA2009 sites, groups and communities as they emerge. Thanks to the power of Web 2.0, the inspirational nature of astronomy is being brought to more people than ever before, and the public are at the forefront of developments.
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National Nodes: 148
Organisational Nodes: 40
Organisational Associates:33
National Websites: 111
Cornerstone Projects: 12
Special Task Groups: 11
Special Projects:16
Official Products:8
Media Partners:22