Dust off your binoculars for IYA2009
11 June 2009
When an interest in astronomy is sparked, thoughts often turn to telescopes. These instruments help to peer into the heavens and reveal marvellous objects beyond the realm of our unaided eyes, but they can also be costly and difficult to use for beginners. Instead, many novice stargazers are encouraged to first pursue their hobby with a good pair of binoculars.
With the merits of binocular astronomy in mind, a new online monthly column called Binocular Universe has been launched. Written by veteran stargazer Phil Harrington, the first article is called "The Heart of the Scorpion" and is all about the star Antares, and the deep-sky sights in its vicinity.
Says Phil, "The online column will visit many wonders of the night sky that are visible through a simple pair of binoculars. Some of the sights may be familiar, while others may be brand new. I am a strong advocate for IYA2009's mission to bring the Universe down to Earth, and what better way to introduce people to the night sky than with binoculars."
Binoculars are a popular choice of instrument among amateur astronomers. They are light, easy to use, and comparatively inexpensive, yet still provide incredible views of the skies. They also have an advantage over telescopes in that they offer wider fields-of-view, meaning more of the sky can be observed and any given time.
Binocular Universe is an excellent resource for stargazers who wish to get the most from the night sky.
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