IYA2009 Updates
19 June 2009
CERN Courier: IYA2009 special issue
Particle and nuclear physics may deal with the smallest components of matter, but both have strong links with astronomy. This issue of CERN Courier celebrates IYA2009: http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/39153
IYA2009 classical concert
Played by the joint EUMETSAT-ESOC Chamber Music Ensemble, see the poster here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/318/
Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal #6 is out!
In this issue, educational and public outreach sessions take the limelight. http://www.capjournal.org/issues/06/index.php
Galileo-kun and his friends
"Galileo-kun and his friends", the mascot characters of the IYA2009 Japan Committee, will tell you wonderful stories and introduce you to the wonderful world of starry skies and astronomy! http://www-irc.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~webadm/galileo-kun/index.html
IYA2009 encourages resource sharing among common-language countries
IYA2009 encourages all Single Points of Contact and IYA2009 representatives to communicate with each other, and collaborate on projects and the sharing of resources. Read more here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/319/
Solar eclipse during IYA2009 may unveil cosmic secrets
During 2009 the sky will provide some exciting events, including the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, occurring on 22 July 2009 and lasting 6 minutes 39 seconds over a narrow corridor through countries such as India, Bangladesh and China. Nature journal is featuring an article describing the scientific merits of eclipses. Read it here: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v459/n7248/full/nature07987.html
Nepal's first astronomy documentary released
Nepal's first astronomical documentary entitled Hubble and The Universe has been officially released by Rishi Shah, Jayanta Acharya, and Reverend Father Antonysamy jointly during a ceremony at St. Xavier's College, Maitighar, Kathmandu, Nepal. The documentary is a production of FAR SCIENCE Production initiated by G.D. Pudasaini and Utshav Kandel, two young students of B.Sc. first year of St. Xavier's College, Matighar Kathmandu. Read about the documentary and ceremony: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/316/
Help to solve a 175 year-old mystery
Citizen Sky is a citizen science project providing you with a chance to do real scientific research. We are seeking to understand a star that has been a mystery to scientists for many years. This star is epsilon Aurigae, a very bright star located in the constellation Auriga, the charioteer. Citizen Sky welcomes everyone to be a citizen scientist. We will guide you through the process of how to observe epsilon Aurigae, how to send us your observations, and then how to see your results, analyse them, and even publish them in a scientific journal! No previous experience is required. We hope that this project will involve thousands of people all over the world in real, active scientific research. To learn more and get involved, please visit http://www.citizensky.org/
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