IYA2009 News Round-up
26 June 2009
Question: what has been making headlines this week?
Answer: IYA2009 has been making headlines this week!
You've probably had a hard few days so we'll begin with a video, which is easier to digest than words. Science Comedian and IYA2009 supporter Brian Malow has turned his attentions to our favourite astronomy-themed year, in a video for TIME.com. Be sure to give it a go, for the quality is high.
Now let's pass over to the New York Times which has run a story about astronomers from the Vatican. Apparently they're "seeking not angels but data", which probably helps with their funding applications. The Vatican is keen to draw a line under its old gripes with Galileo, and IYA2009 is the perfect opportunity to publically do this. For an insider's view of working at the Vatican Observatory, be sure to check out Brother Guy Consolmagno's blog at the Cosmic Diary.
ALIENS! That always gets people's attention. Killeen Daily Herald reports that astrobiologist Seth Shostak will be the featured guest speaker at Longhorn Conference Center at the Stagecoach Inn in Salado (US). The lecture and accompanying reception are in recognition of IYA2009. Maybe they'll donate some of the $20 entrance fee to us?
Well done to IrishTimes.com for its well-written story about observing the planet Saturn. Carolyn Porco, NASA's head of Cassini spacecraft imaging, will be giving guided tours of the ringed planet in Dublin, Cork, and Armagh. The presentations are in aid of IYA2009, which automatically means they'll be top notch.
The Canary Islands may be well-known for their sunny weather but Tenerife News says that science is also on the up. Tenerife's Museum of Science and the Cosmic at La Laguna is running summer courses where children will learn all about astronomy. There will be scientific games and live experiments, all bringing IYA2009 to the participants. Sounds fun!
Off to India with us, to give a heads-up about an imminent conference called "Indian Astronomy, Ancience & Modern" to be held in Ahmedabad. Indian Express has the details, including notable speakers and mentions of special interactive sessions for 500 students that are expected. DeshGujerat.com has an excellent feature on the conference too, so you've no excuse for not being clued up.
And finally, the marvellously-named North Bay Nugget has a surprisingly detailed account of astronomy books which can be found in the Children's Department of North Bay Public Library. IYA2009 formally salutes your dedication, Nugget!
And on that note, this writer's dedication has run out. Until next week!
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