IYA2009 Update
10 July 2009
The Moon for All Mankind - The Malta Moon
A photograph of the Moon, with sections imaged by different countries, has been produced for IYA2009. See it here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/356/
IYA2009 Exhibition Panels now available!
New IYA2009 panels are available on the main IYA2009 website: http://www.astronomy2009.org/resources/posters/
IYA2009 Presentations
The IYA2009 Secretariat has prepared several presentations that outline some of the main topics of the IYA2009, namely: Astronomy Highlights during IYA2009; What is Astronomy? and recently a presentation about the main astronomical achievements during 1609, year that was indeed a historic year for astronomy! http://www.astronomy2009.org/resources/presentations/
Chile celebrates IYA2009 with the "Explora program"
A new website to spread the word of astronomy and IYA2009 has been released. Explora is aimed at a Chilean audience, with sections dedicated to the many major observatories in the country, as well as looking at wider astronomy topics. Be sure to check it out: http://aia2009.explora-conicyt.org
Astronomy and World Heritage and Starlight Reserves move forward
The IYA2009 Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative and the Starlight Reserves proposal have been presented to delegates from several countries in the framework of the 33rd Session of the World Heritage Committee held in Seville (Spain). This has been an important move towards the recognition of cultural, scientific and environmental values associated to astronomy and the right to observe the stars as a common heritage of humankind. More information on the Seville event is available at: http://www.starlight2007.net/Seville2009.html
3 large Dark Skies Awareness Projects
- Brazil's Citizen-Science Milky Way Marathon: http://www.astronomia2009.org.br/
- Hong Kong Dims the Light Fantastic: http://www.astronomy2009.hk/activities/DarkSky/621.php
- Japan's Candle Night: http://www.candle-night.org/English
IYA2009 Single Point of Contact becomes Secretary of State
The IYA2009 network would like to congratulate Dr. Joan-Marc Miralles Bellera, Single Point of Contact for Andorra. He has recently been appointed as Secretary of State in charge of Higher Education for Andorra, a position of great importance. Joan-Marc is an astronomer and staunch supporter of IYA2009. The astronomy community wishes him the best of luck! More information about IYA2009 in Andorra: http://astroandorra.blogspot.com/
The International Conference of Young Astronomers 2009 (ICYA)
ICYA is a scientific meeting of undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students of astronomy and physics as well as more advanced astronomers. We, as young scientists, feel a big need to contribute our share to IYA2009 and use this opportunity to establish a global, annual conference for all scientists, researchers and advanced amateur astronomers who could meet in future and work together in projects which will develop modern astronomy. The conference will take place in Cracow, Poland, 7 - 13 September. More information: http://www.icya2009.org/
The Global Impact of IYA2009: 100 Hours in April
Read the thoughts of Douglas Isbell, US IYA2009 SPoC, here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/358/
MEDEA Awards 2009: Open Call for Participation
With the numbers of entries already received by the MEDEA Secretariat higher than at the same time last year, the MEDEA Awards look to be growing in popularity in keeping with a growing interest generally in the use of media and video in education. Now that the competition is fully operational in French and German as well as in English, it is hardly surprising that the numbers of entries from French and German speaking regions looks set to far exceed the numbers received in 2008. Find out how to participate here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/357/
Japanese astronomy superheroes rally in support of IYA2009
More than ten cartoon characters from planetaria and science museums in Japan gathered for the All-Japan Astronomy Character Symposium which was held on 21 June in Akashi. Present were many high-profile IYA2009 supporters, from superheroes to giant animals. Read all about this headline-making story: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/355/
Blast! Update
The latest news from IYA2009 Special Project, Blast! is online: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/354/
Fostering Space for Africa
The International Astronautical Federation (IAF), along with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA), organised a briefing to African Permanent Missions in Vienna entitled "Fostering Space for Africa". It was held at the premises of the United Nations in Vienna, Austria on 3 June 2009. More information, including presentations and speeches, are available here: http://www.iafastro.org/index.php?id=123&no_cache=1&tx_iaffocuson_pi1[tt_single]=top&tx_iaffocuson_pi1[pid_back]=1
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