100HA: Sidewalk Astronomy and Star Party Awards Competition Results
15 July 2009
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 Cornerstone project, 100 Hours of Astronomy, became the largest single science public outreach event ever held. Its success was due to the thousands of dedicated amateur and professional astronomers worldwide. To thank the many groups who take part in this event, the 100 Hours of Astronomy Task Team and their sponsors, Celestron and Explore Scientific, gave all registered groups the opportunity to take part in a competition recognising the hard work and effort that went into showcasing
astronomy to millions of citizens worldwide.
We are pleased to announce the following winners of the 100 Hours of Astronomy Sidewalk Astronomy and Star party competition.
Award One: Largest number of registered events held by a single astronomy group, club or society
Winner: Centro de Estudos Astronômicos de Alagoas (CEAAL) - Brazil
Highly Commended: IYA Puerto Rico
Highly Commended: Jiangsu Astronomical Society - China
Award Two: Largest single registered 100 Hours of Astronomy event.
Winner: Jiangsu Astronomical Society - China
Highly Commended: RAMIP - France
Highly Commended: SARM - Romania
Award Three: Community outreach award.
Winner: The Levin Stargazers - New Zealand
Highly Commended: South-western Montana Astronomical Society - United States of America
Highly Commended: Camden County Library Astronomy Club - United States of America
Award Four: Most Innovative 100 Hours of Astronomy event.
Winner: Manthan Educational Programme Society - India
Highly Commended: Navegar Foundation - Portugal
Highly Commended: A.N.I.C - Colombia
Award Five: Most complete astronomy club, group, or society member participation.
Winner: Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka Enugu State - Nigeria.
Highly Commended: Rixastro - Belgium
Highly Commended: Mahatma Gandhi Mission's Centre for Astronomy & Space Technology - India
Award Six: Most publicised 100 Hour of Astronomy registered event.
Winner: Sirius Astronomy Association - Algeria
Highly Commended: AUI/NRAO - Chile
Award Seven: 100 Hours of Astronomy youth participation award.
Winner: Upmanya Moitra, Dhirananda Roy Study & Research CentreIndia - Calcutta
Highly Commended: Robin Lee, CCH Astro Club - Malaysia
Highly Commended: Elias Jordon, Kansas Astronomical Observers- United States of America
Award Eight: Outstanding Individual within a registered 100 Hours of Astronomy event.
Winner: Ana Maria Mourão, Centra/IST - Portugal
Highly Commended: Pro P.N Okeke, Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka Enugu State - Nigeria.
Highly Commended: Paul Moss, The Levin Stargazers - New Zealand
More information
100 Hours of Astronomy website: http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org
100 Hours of Astronomy Publicity Contacts
Donna Smith: Sidewalk Astronomy Coordinator
Mike Simmons Co-Chair
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