IYA2009 and astronomy making headlines in Iberian Peninsula
18 July 2009
Astronomy is a popular topic with the media, and with the additional publicity afforded by IYA2009, it is good to see prominent newspapers increasing their coverage.
El Pais is a national newspaper in Spain, and has a permanent astronomy section on its website, proudly displaying the IYA2009 logo on its banner: http://www.elpais.com/especial/astronomia/
Publico is a well recognised national newspaper in Portugal and has announced today a permanent section on its website dedicated to IYA2009: http://astronomia.publico.pt/
And now another national Spanish paper, El Mundo, has launched a special astronomy page which will be online throughout IYA2009: http://www.elmundo.es/especiales/2009/06/ciencia/astronomia/
Also, the widely distributed weekly newspaper Expresso keeps a permanent astronomy section, gathering space science and IYA2009 news: http://aeiou.expresso.pt/gen.pl?sid=ex.sections/25056&p=arquivo
Media coverage of IYA2009 is an important tool to increase public awareness of astronomy, so these are valuable steps toward achieving the Year's aims.
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