Romania boosts IYA2009 with two high-profile events
27 July 2009

Romanian IYA2009 enthusiasts are rightfully proud of two initiatives which have proved to be very successful.
Astroclubul Bucure?ti (AB), the astronomical club in Bucharest, celebrated She is an Astronomer simultaneously across the entire country on 8 March - Women's Day. Women and girls from several astronomy clubs in Romania went out onto the streets to demonstrate that astronomy is accessible to women. Over the course of one day there were 72 news clips, 10 participating cities across the country, solar observations, drawings, conferences, night observations, and a special gift for all women: the IYA2009 logo with a red and white lace, a token of spring given to all women during this day as a Romanian tradition.
In Bucharest, the Astronomical Observatory and two astronomy clubs, SARM and AB, joined together to organise what was to be the biggest astronomical event dedicated to the public that the capital city of Romania has ever seen. For the 100 Hours of Astronomy project there was one press conference, 80 news clips, four days totaling over 30 solid hours of astronomy for the public consisting of conferences, live web casts, observations, and movie projections. Approximately 3620 people observed through telescopes, an amazing number especially considering that it was organised by a small team of 11 astronomers.
More details and photos can be found on the following sites:
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