400 years of telescopes being used for outreach
24 August 2009

25 August is an important day for IYA2009 as 400 years ago Galileo conducted the first astronomical outreach activity when he met with policy and law-makers from the Venetian Republic. He ushered them into the bell tower of St. Mark's Square, and then presented them with a telescope design which he himself had improved. Impressed with seeing objects such as ships from a great distance, they saw great potential in continuing work on this eight-powered telescope, and improving the design further. Galileo's salary was doubled and he was awarded life tenure at the University of Padua, an excellent reward.
This first outreach activity with a telescope was a resounding success for Galileo. He used his novel telescope to communicate with policy-makers and the public, and as a result obtained funding for continuing his research, and presented people with a tool to expand their horizons.
Telescopes are invaluable instruments to both amateur and professional astronomers. Collecting more light than the unaided eye is able, they allow us to peer into the depths of space and witness sights previously beyond our realm. They are also iconic, instantly recognisable even to someone with no knowledge of astronomy. Telescopes conjure images and emotions of exploration and investigation, which is at the heart of IYA2009.
When Galileo first turned his telescope to the skies, he was awestruck by what he saw. This same feeling is being imparted to millions of people during IYA2009, as telescope observing sessions are being run around the world, allowing all members of the public, many for the first time, to view the Universe in all its glory.
The 365 Days of Astronomy project has released a podcast marking this occasion: http://365daysofastronomy.org/2009/08/23/august-23rd-galileo-presents-a-telescope-to-the-venetian-senate/
Two IYA2009 movies describe the history of the telescope:
Eyes on the Skies: http://www.eyesontheskies.org/
400 Years of the Telescope: http://www.400years.org/
Galileoscopes offer sights similar to those experienced by Galileo: https://www.galileoscope.org/gs/
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