International astronomy workshop set to take place in São Tomé e Príncipe
2 September 2009
From 8 - 10 September, the Seventh International Workshop on "New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics" will be attracting scientists from around the world. Sessions include high energy gamma rays, neutrino physics, and experimental cosmology.
Also taking place is a special school for students and teachers from Portuguese-speaking countries. Held at the Polytechnic University in São Tomé, it promises to captivate with topics such as matter and light, quantum mechanics, and riddles in science.
São Tomé e Príncipe (whose official language is Portuguese) is a small island nation off the Atlantic coast of Central Africa. In 1919, Eddington travelled there to observe an eclipse of the Sun, an important event the anniversary of which has been celebrated during IYA2009.
The official website is:
The astroschool's website is:
See the conference poster here:
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