Apply for free Galileoscopes, courtesy of the EurAstro association - Important update!
11 October 2009
Free Galileoscopes from EurAstro - applications closed
It was a nice surprise for us to see such a quick and overwhelming response to our offer. Now, all of our Galileoscopes have been allocated. No further applications will be considered. Thank you for your commitment towards astronomy. Jean-Luc Dighaye for EurAstro
The EurAstro association, an organisational node of IYA2009, was awarded 200 Galileoscopes in the frame of the Cornerstone project "Developing Astronomy Globally". These will be shared between Germany, in particular but not exclusively in the Munich area, and the Republic of Mali. They are intended to be used by deserving schoolchildren and institutions during the end of IYA2009 and beyond.
They are ideally suited for the upcoming Cornerstone project called "Galilean Nights", which has special focus on observations during the 22-24 October 2009. EurAstro and Galilean Nights will provide further free information and educational material such as sky maps. Supported languages will be English, French, German, and Italian.
If you are interested in astronomical activities for children, typically in middle school curriculum but possibly also in junior/lower school, please apply for free Galileoscopes by contacting EurAstro's Jean-Luc Dighaye by e-mailing jdighaye(at) Please indicate how many of them you would need, who would use them, and for which purposes.
The Galileoscopes will be granted according to the following criteria:
- order of the received applications for Galileoscopes;
- merits of the intended purposes of use. To organise a Galilean Nights event is considered of high merit;
- willingness to participate in the shipping costs.
You will be informed about delivery details if your application is selected.
Galilean Nights:
Developing Astronomy Globally:
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