IYA2009 News Round-up
31 October 2009
The Examiner often has good astronomy articles, and they've stepped up this week too. Their latest offering describes the background of IYA2009 and then goes on to give some useful practical tips on how to get involved, such as night sky objects worthy of attention and websites with more information.
Alohaaa! Big Island Video News has released a video about the Hawaiian community's contribution to astronomy, as part of IYA2009. It was filmed during an event where scientists and prominent Hawaiians spoke about the science of astronomy and their local culture, while members of the public had the opportunity to tour research facilities and use telescopes to get all inspired.
TransWorldNews is a-calling. To help out with the Galilean Nights Cornerstone project, the DeepSkyDivas hosted a special show on Astronomy.FM Radio. It was about "all things Galileo", apparently.
We all know that WisBusiness.com is the source for Wisnonsin's business news. But what you might not know is that the 66th annual Holiday Folk Fair International, 20 - 22 Nov, at the Wisconsin Exposition Center at State Fair Park in West Allis, will be featuring a The World At Night exhibition. The photographs will have to compete for people's attentions against four Uzbekistan artists, a 1776 army camp, and a whole lot of food sampling.
We haven't had anything from News-Record.com before, and they've produced a good ‘un to start off. It's about North Carolina-based astronomy teacher Tom English, and his popular observing sessions. They often attract a crowd, and this year IYA2009 has spurred even more people on to visit Tom and his "humongous telescope, housed in a rotating dome".
TheWeek have an opening paragraph that demands nothing less than copy and paste treatment. "Danse e-Toile: Nata-raja et le Cosmos (Dance of stars: Nataraja and the Cosmos) was the first ever live, internet-streamed interactive dance and music programme between India and Europe." That's quite a claim to fame. Held in Bangalore on 17 October, it was a creative celebration of IYA2009. It sounds awesome! Listen: "Emrith did her own impressive interpretation of the cosmos, her lissome figure and lithe, superbly controlled movements providing a perfect complement."
President Obama's White House Star Party is still getting some coverage, as The Gov Monitor proves. Its article features both words and a video, mentions IYA2009, and talks about how YOU can discover things in the Universe. So all in all, a good effort.
That's it for this week. Check local sources for news stories in your own language, and all that.
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