IYA2009 supporters urged to sign Welsh dark skies petition
13 November 2009
Unlike most of the UK, Wales still has some areas free from light pollution, where the stars can be seen in all their glory. Members of Cardiff Astronomical Society have been working hard to protect these areas, by holding an exhibition at the Senedd of the Welsh Assembly, and presenting a seminar for Assembly Members with world-renowned speakers.
They are currently organising a petition to the Welsh Assembly to bring attention to the dangers of light pollution and the need for clear guidelines. Support has already been received from Professor Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and the President of the Royal Society, and Professor John Brown, Astronomer for Scotland.
If you would like to help, please visit http://tinyurl.com/cfds-petition and sign the petition. You do not need to reside in the UK to sign. Registration is necessary but e-mail addresses are only used for logging on, and will not be disclosed. The Assembly fully adheres to data protection requirements and is statutorily bound to debate all petitions.
Cardiff Astronomical Society's website: http://www.cardiff-astronomical-society.co.uk/
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