Meteoroid explosion inspires Sudanese IYA2009 activities
20 November 2009
On 7 October 2008 a meteoroid exploded in the atmosphere 37 km above Sudan's Nubian Desert. More information is available here:
Linking this exciting event with IYA2009, Sudanese astronomers have organised outreach events to reach a large number of people:
The University of Khartoum organised three trips to the Nubian Desert to recover the fragments of the meteoroid:
A one day symposium was run on 21 June 2009 with the help of the Ministry Higher Education.
A conference was held from 17 to 19 November 2009, with help from the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Science (AUASS):
Students implemented a week-long show about astronomy.
Another conference will be held later in the year, from 5 to 15 December:
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