Know IT All wins Overall MEDEA Award 2009!
8 December 2009
On December 4th the overall winner of the MEDEA Awards 2009 was announced by Maruja Gutierrez-Diaz, Advisor to the Director of the Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission during a well-attended reception in Berlin. It is Know IT All for Primary Schools by Childnet International (UK), which was represented at the prize-giving ceremony by Lucinda Fell, Policy and Communications Manager, who graciously accepted the bronze MEDEA statuette as well as hardware and software sponsored by Avid and Adobe. Speaking after the event, Lucinda stated "I am thrilled that Childnet's recently launched Know IT All for Primary resource has been recognised as the winner of the MEDEA Award 2009. Equipping children to use the internet and mobile phones safely is crucial and this resource has been designed to share key messages and lessons in an exciting and engaging way at the time when children are at an early stage in using these powerful tools. Since we launched this resource in June 2009 there has been huge demand from primary schools in the UK for it. Both Childnet and the partners involved in this project are delighted with MEDEA's recognition of its detailed pedagogical framework."
In addition to the overall winner, the MEDEA Award for Creativity and Innovation 2009 was won by Daisy and Drago by Terakki Foundation Schools (Turkey) represented at the awards by Özge Karaoğlu who received this award from Tobias Hall from Avid. Traditions Across Europe by Istituto Comprensivo “Don Bosco” (Italy), represented at the awards by Gina Mango won the MEDEA European Collaboration Award 2009 presented by Maruja Gutierrez-Diaz. A MEDEA Special Jury Award was given to Eyes on the Skies by European Southern Observatory (ESO) (Germany), represented by Lars Lindberg Christensen, in recognition for what the judges described as “a superb example of the value high quality video imagery can bring to an educational production”, this award was presented by Helle Meldgaard, UNI-C, Denmark and Member of MEDEA Organising Committee.
The other finalists for the awards were INgeBEELD by CANON CULTURAL UNIT (Belgium) represented by Dirk Terryn, Les TIC en Classe by VISION FUTURE (France) represented by Hélène Ormières and Odile Lausecker, Planet SciCast by NESTA (UK) represented by Jonathan Sanderson and Studiecoach by the Dutch Open University (The Netherlands) represented by Marion Stevens and Lisette Meijrink.
Speaking during the awards Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop - Université Nancy 2, France and Member of MEDEA Organising Committee described the terrific increase in the number of entries received this year, 254 from 39 countries and the wealth of experience and interest this represented. She described how the competition, now in its second year, is going from strength to strength and this year involved a judging panel of more than 70 judges from 26 countries.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Director of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Germany spoke during the ceremony about the terrific changes taking place generally in respect to ICT use and the importance industrialists and policy-makers place upon the use of media in education. He also spoke about the regional connections between HPI and the history of media. Michael O’Neill from Adobe spoke about the quality of the MEDEA entries and the enthusiasm and commitment which went into their production.
Highly Commended
Because of the high quality of entries submitted to the MEDEA Awards 2009, the MEDEA Organising Committee decided to introduce a 'Highly Commended' category to the MEDEA Awards in recognition of the quality of a number of entries that were very particularly appreciated by the jury. These entries will appear on the MEDEA web site among the showcases of the award winners and finalists.
The Highly Commended entries for the MEDEA Awards 2009 are ASBCAST Mini Lectures by University of Aarhus (Denmark), Dialogue by IE Business School (Spain), I animate, I communicate and I integrate by Free primary schools Meulebeke (Belgium) , Kaatje by VRT (Belgium), Online Video Soap "Neu in Berlin" by LinguaTV GmbH (Germany), Passport to the Internet by Media Awareness Network (Canada), Regards sur la psychologie sociale expérimentale by Vidéoscop - Université Nancy 2 (France) and The Green Energy by Educational RadioTV, MoE (Greece).
The closing date for receipt of entries for MEDEA 2010 is 31st July 2010.
Notes for Editors
To contact MEDEA, visit the web site: For information about MEDEA, contact:
Nikki Cortoos, MEDEA Secretariat
Address: c/o: ATiT, Leuvensesteenweg 132, B-3370 Roosbeek, Belgium
Tel: +32 16 284 040, Fax: +32 16 223 743
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