Tour of the Universe by Children of the World: a call for entries
10 December 2009
Did you host or participate in an event involving children during IYA2009? Tour of the Universe by Children of the World, a beautiful and inspirational multimedia video project, is seeking contributions in the following categories: astrophotography and nightscape photography by children, children's artwork of or inspired by the cosmos, photographs of children sharing and enjoying astronomy, and video clips related to children and astronomy. We are also looking for short audio clips of children cheering "You're a star!" in native language (groups or individual children, any language).
The mission is simple: to ignite the imaginations of children and adults alike with the wonder of the cosmos--the one thing that is truly Universal. Tour of the Universe will be available as a free download available through the StarPals International Young Astronomers' Network website and other channels and free for distribution to promote your own activities. The deadline for contributions for the IYA2009 edition is 15 December. Late entries will be counted toward the next edition. For more information, visit or contact Audrey Fischer, or Jessi Kingan,
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