A Short Astronomical Serenade
22 January 2010

"A Short Astronomical Serenade" is a multimedia project conceived to combine in a single event Astronomy, literature and live music.
The musical piece selected for the occasion is the famous Serenade KV525 by W.A. Mozart. Its four movements are played simultaneously with four videos that present astronomical concepts in a very imaginative fashion, mixing music and physics in a manner that always surprises the audience.
On top of that, one of the videos features the famous characters Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, created by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes in the XVII century. They help the audience discover the Universe in a reinterpretation of two of the most famous chapters of Cervantes' ageless book, the fight against the windmills (1st Part, Chapter VIII) and the imaginary flight to the skies of both men riding the wooden horse Clavileño (2nd Part, Chapter XLI).
Thousands of people had the opportunity to hear and watch this production in Spain during some 30 concerts where the music was played live. Many more have seen the DVD that was produced by the Spanish National Research Council as a legacy product of IYA2009.
More information: http://www.astronomia2009.es/Noticias_AIA-IYA2009/La_musica_y_la_astronomia_continuan_en_2010.html
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