Bangladesh concludes IYA2009 with an astronomy workshop
23 January 2010

Report by Mamun Ahamed Sharif, Coordinator IYA2009 Bangladesh Node:
Professor Abdul Jabbar, former Head of the Department of Mathematics, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) was a legendary figure in popularisation of Astronomy in Bangladesh. He wrote about a dozen Books on astronomy which helped younger generations in Bangladesh to learn about this important subject. Professor Abdul Jabbar also was the 1st President of Bangladesh Astronomical Society which was formed in 1984.
In recognition of his extraordinary contributions in the field of astronomy, the National Committee for Celebration of IYA2009 in Bangladesh arranged three Astronomy Workshops throughout the year. The first was held from 26 April to 17 May, the second from 3 July to 4 July, and the third Workshop from 23 December to 31 December 2009. In every Workshop eminent astronomers, physicists and mathematicians in Bangladesh delivered lectures on a particular subject and interacted with students in question / answer sessions. Sky observation programmes also were held. Each student was be given a certificate and successful astronomy quiz contestants were given astronomy books as prizes.
The 3rd Abdul Jabbar Astronomy Workshop which was held from 23 December to 31 December is considered as the most important astronomical event as it was the concluding event of IYA2009 in Bangladesh. The Workshop began with a presentation on the “Celebration of IYA2009 in Bangladesh“ by F. R. Sarker, General Secretary, Bangladesh Astronomical Society and the Single Point of Contact for IYA2009 in Bangladesh. Among the guest of speakers on different days were Mr. Ronald Cruz, the Secretary, Bangladesh Astro-Olympiad, who spoke on “Participation in Astro-Olympiad in Tehran in October“, Dr. Rezaur Rahman, former Scientific Officer of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission who spoke on the “Life in the Universe”, Professor Dr. Arshad Momen, Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, on the “Mathematical Cosmology“, Munir Hasan, Secretary, Math Olympiad in Bangladesh and also Secretary, IYA2009 Celebration Committee, Bangladesh, on the“ Life and Death of the Stars“, Dr. Farseem M. Mohammedy, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) on the“ Fate of the Universe“ and Dr. A. R. Khan, President, Bangladesh Astronomical Society on the “Importance on the Research of Astronomy".
On 31 December, during the closing session of Abdul Jabbar Astronomy Workshop, among those who delivered their lectures were Dr. A. R. Khan, F. R. Sarker, Dr. Farseem and M. Mohammedy. At the end of the Workshop, Dr. A. R. Khan delivered his concluding lecture declaring goodbye to the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
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