Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum held in Bangkok, Thailand
12 February 2010

The 16th Session of Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-16) was held in Sofitel Centara Grand Hotel in Bangkok on 26-29 January, 2009, which was jointly organised by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) of Thailand and Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Japan Space Exploration Agency (JAXA). It was attended by 310 Participants from 26 Countries and 10 Regional and International Organisations. The Theme of the APRSAF-16 was “Space Applications: Contributions towards Human Safety and Security“. Mr. F. R. Sarker, General Secretary, Bangladesh Astronomical Society (BAS) and a Member of APRSAF Space Education and Awareness Working Group (SEA WG) and Mr. Muzibur Rahman Howlader, the Chairman of Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) had participated in APRSAF-16.
In the Space Education and Awareness Working Group Meeting on 26 January, F. R. Sarker had made two presentations which included Celebration of International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Bangladesh, Total Solar Eclipse on 22 July, 2009, Celebration of World Space Week-2009 and the Meeting between Astronomers of India and Bangladesh in the Border on 21 July, 2009 which were highly appreciated by the participants.
During the APRSAF-16 Session Mr. F. R. Sarker and Mr. Muzibur Rahman Howlader had a Meeting and with Mr. Eijiro Hirohama , Director and Ms. Takemi Chiku, Associate Senior Administrator of Space Education Office of Japan Space Exploration Agency (JAXA) who agreed to hold a Space Education Seminar in Dhaka. In the Concluding Session of APRSAF-16 on 29 January, formal declaration was made by Mr. Surachai Ratanasermpong, the Co-Chair of Space Education and Awareness Working Group that the APRSAF Space Education Seminar of 2010 will be held in Dhaka , Bangladesh . However, the actual date for this Seminar will be announced later after discussions with the Government of Bangladesh.
On 23-24 January, two students from Bangladesh, Usama Amin Jarjis of ICL School, Enayetpur and Anam Arafat Amit of Maple Leaf International School of Dhaka lead by their Teacher Mamun Ahamed Sharif, Office Secretary of Bangladesh Astronomical Society, had participated in Water Rocket Launch Contest along with 36 students from 15 countries which was held in the premises of National Science Museum, Bangkok.
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