The European Southern Obs. is looking for enthusiasts to help translating its astronomy videos
18 February 2010
Would you like to see the European Southern Observatory’s astronomy outreach videos, such as the popular ESOcast video podcast series, subtitled in your own language? ESO is now uploading videos to dotSUB, a website which enables members of the public to contribute translated subtitles of videos in any language. You can help bring exciting news from the world of ESO astronomy to an even wider international audience.
To find the videos, search for “ESOastronomy” on the dotSUB site. If you just want to watch the videos (with any available subtitles), you don’t need to create an account. However, if you want to help ESO by translating the subtitles into your language, you just need to create a (free) account at dotSUB. Then, simply choose a video and start translating.
To find out how to use dotSUB, you can follow the tutorials on the dotSUB site. In particular, watch the tutorial “How to translate a video on dotSUB”. You can also find more information and notes for the translators on this webpage:
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