International Sidewalk Astronomy Night
21 March 2010

Fourth annual event on 20 March
Amateur Astronomers everywhere should take their telescopes out on the street to share with the public! John Dobson started on the corner of Jackson and Broderick in San Francisco in the late 60's, showing pedestrians the Moon and planets. Since then Sidewalk Astronomers have spread worldwide and can be found in city parks, on street corners, in front of bookstores and movie theaters around the world on any given night, but once a year we ALL go out together.
International Sidewalk Astronomy Month (ISAN4) is a great warm-up for all your GAM activities. So dust off your scope and take to the streets. Use it to advertise your events during GAM. See the ISAN4 web site for more information on what to do and who else is participating.
If you are affiliated with an astronomy group, get together, take your telescope to the street and get passers by to view the beauty of the Universe. You can set up in places like city parks, near shopping malls, movie theaters, street corners or where ever you see as a possibility.
Not affiliated with any group? You can still join in; get your telescope out to the street and show people “what’s up there”.
If you or your group plans to take your scopes to the street on the 20th of March you can register your event on the ISAN registration page.
Join ISAN4 on Facebook
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Do you need a copy of the ISAN4 banner for your event? Download it here.
DATE: 20 MARCH 2010
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