Global Astronomy Month News 3 April 2010
4 April 2010
Online Messier Marathon with Remote Telescope 5 April
Explore the treasures of the famous Messier Catalogue from home! The Marathon begins on 5 April 2010 at 18.00 UT. See the Virtual Telescope event site for more information.
International Dark Sky Week
From April 4 through April 10, 2010, International Dark Sky Week celebrates the heritage of the nighttime sky by encouraging people to turn off unnecessary lights. The event began in 2003 as National Dark-Sky Week in the United States and officially became international in 2009, the International Year of Astronomy. The key to success is the broadest possible participation.
For more information visit the International Dark Sky Week web site. Also see other GAM Dark Sky Global Programs.
"Revenge of the Nerds" meets "American Idol"
Voting is open through April 9 for the Spirit of Innovation Awards. 24 of the top high school teams are creating competing designs for the future. See for information on the teams, their products, and to submit your vote. When you vote, be sure to select Astronomers Without Borders as your affiliate.
So far in GAM
The Members Blog for 3 April talks about three GAM opening events and an upcoming 24-hour observing marathon.
A 31 March News Feature described how Oceania and eastern Asia would kicked off 30 Night of StarPeace the next day. Watch for a News Feature or Members Blog on these events soon.
GAM Picture of the Day
Have you got a great photo of your GAM event? Send it to and we may choose it for the GAM Picture of the Day. Be sure to tell us who is in the photo, what's happening, where it is and when the photo was taken. And check out all the GAMPODs so far!
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