GAM Newsletter
8 April 2010
Citizen Sky
Would you like to be part of a scientific project? Citizen Sky is the answer. See the Citizen Sky web site for information on this worldwide project to monitor solve the 175-year mystery of the star epsilon Aurigae. Then join us in an introductory chat session on Friday, April 9 starting at 16 UT to learn how to take part. It's a special session for GAM and Astronomers Without Borders Affiliates that will answer questions about Citizen Sky, Astronomers without Borders, epsilon Aurigae, and maybe a bit about astronomy in general.
Happening now
GAM Trailer released
The GAM trailer -- 2-1/2 minutes of astronomy around the world accompanied by music -- has been released. You can view the trailer on the GAM Broadcast page and download it in high-definition (720p) on the GAM Resources page.
International Dark Sky Week
From April 4 through April 10, 2010, International Dark Sky Week celebrates the heritage of the nighttime sky by encouraging people to turn off unnecessary lights. The event began in 2003 as National Dark-Sky Week in the United States and officially became international in 2009, the International Year of Astronomy. The key to success is the broadest possible participation.
Here are some suggestions for participating in International Dark Sky Week:
- Turn out your outdoor lights during the week whenever it is safe to do so.
- Light only when and where needed.
- Encourage friends and neighbors to do the same.
- Change lights to a more energy-efficient type and install shielded fixtures where possible.
- Look for nearby star parties or events at a local observatory during the week where you can promote dark skies awareness.
For more information visit the International Dark Sky Week web site. Also see other GAM Dark Sky Global Programs.
"Revenge of the Nerds" meets "American Idol"
Online Voting Opens for the Spirit of Innovation Awards
From Monday, March 29th through April 9th, YOU have the opportunity to vote for your favorite high school innovators! 24 of the top high school teams have been designing the future. Its not science fiction. Its where education meets innovation and entrepreneurship. Its where real science gets real. Teams have created innovative products to solve some of the grand challenges facing society. From rural water collection devices, to robotic astronaut assistants. From Satellite attitude-control systems to Navajo Solar Frybread Ovens. These students will rock your world! Now, they need YOU to help select the winners of the Spirit of Innovation Awards by voting online for your favorite teams. Finalists have created videos, blogs, photos and more to show off their products. From March 29 to April 9, you can help a generation of 21st century innovators change the world, one vote at a time. Check out for information on the teams, their products, and to submit your vote. When you vote, be sure to select Astronomers Without Borders as your affiliate.
Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme
Initiated during 2009 under the framework of the International Year of Astronomy, the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme is aimed at facilitating the collection of UAP reports from both amateur and professional astronomers, via a questionnaire to be downloaded from a dedicated website. For information on the project, its aims and how you can submit a report see the UAP project page on the GAM web site.
So far in GAM
The Members Blog for 3 April talks about three GAM opening events and an upcoming 24-hour observing marathon.
Oana Sandu's blog post tells us "How to share your events using GAM resources" with four steps to follow.
Winners of the International Earth and Sky Photo Contest on Dark Skies Importance have been announced by The World At Night (TWAN) and Dark Skies Awareness. Entries the night sky set against the horizon with backdrop of a notable location or landmark. About 200 entries were received from over 30 countries.
An interview with AWB President Mike Simmons is featured on the current broadcast of Planetary Radio, a weekly program by the Planetary Society. Mike explains how everyone can take part in GAM.
GAM events are scheduled throughout the United States by NASA's Night Sky Network. See Night Ssky Network's calendar of events for details.
Other Announcements
GAM Picture of the Day
Have you got a great photo of your GAM event? Send it to and we may choose it for the GAM Picture of the Day. Be sure to tell us who is in the photo, what's happening, where it is and when the photo was taken. And check out all the GAMPODs so far!
GAM logo translations available
The GAM logo is now available in 13 languages and more are being added. For a GAM logo in your language send the translated text to
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