The fourth phase of 30 Nights of StarPeace
12 April 2010

The fourth phase of 30 Nights of StarPeace brings together Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Turkey and Zambia
Countries from 0-36 degrees East have responded to the StarPeace call. Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania (seven groups), Ukraine (two groups), Turkey and Zambia are organizing star parties, observing sessions for the public, conferences, workshops, a TV show and a meeting on Twitter at #StarPeace!
The Sofia Astronomical Association is holding observing sessions for the public in front of the National Theatre on 10-12 April near the famous From Earth to The Universe exhibition.
Across the Danube to the north Romania participates in StarPeace with groups from all the four cardinal points. In the south, members of Astroclub Bucharest are taking their telescopes to a star party. Their friends from Urania Astronomical Association are holding events for the public on 10-11 April. They'll provide solar observing between 10:00 and 14:00 in Tineretului Park, and from 18:00 until midnight there will be presentations and observations from the Astronomical Observatory at "Palatul National al Copiilor".
To the southwest, the Romanian Astronomical Association of Meteors (SARM) based in Targoviste is broadcasting a local TV program called "We and the sky" with a special edition dedicated to StarPeace. Beginning at 17:00 they'll have presentations and observing for the public at "Casa Tineretului", and an exhibition created in collaboration with StarFriends in the Netherlands.
In Gorj County, SARM Gorj will have a tent set up in the city center of Bumbesti-Jiu on April 10 and Targu Jiu on 11 April where observations of the planets and deep sky objects will be made.
In the west, the Romanian Academy, Astroclub Antares, The Astronomical Observatory in Timisoara and The Romanian Space Agency are organizing a series of presentations in Timisoara beginning at 19:00 on Sunday.
SARM Sighet is organizing a starparty northern Romania the night of 11/12 April, while to the east, members of Astroclub Lyra from SARM Iasi are taking their telescopes to the city square and inviting everyone to observe the planets and deep sky objects with them on April 12 from 21:00 on.
In Romania's neighbor to the north, Ukraine, two groups are also participating in StarPeace. On April 10 Astronomy Club AstroNik from the city of Nicolaev holds a seminar on amateur astronomy followed by observations of deep sky objects. At the same time, The Altair Astronomy Club in Zaporozhye is organizing a star party 30 km south of the city.
But events do not end there in this very active region. Anonymus Astronomy Club in Croatia is organizing observing sessions in the city square of Valpovo on April 10, between 20:00 and 23:00.
Turkey joins in with another public observing session, the first for this phase of 30 Nights of StarPeace. On the night of 9 to 10 April members of ASTER Astronomy Club held an event at the Observatory from the Erciyes University in Kayseri.
This phase of the circumglobal StarPeace project comes to a close with an event by Prospery C. Simpemba and Astronomers Without Borders Zambia - a stargazing session for family, friends and community members of the G-Section.
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