Star of GAM2010 Enters Spotlight
12 April 2010
Global Astronomy Month had to have its own VIP star endorsing the event. We went big and invited the best-known star of all time, the closest star to us in the entire Universe - the Sun!
April 11 is a big day for the Sun as it comes under the spotlight during Sun Day! The day also marks the beginning of an entire week dedicated to our star - Solar Week - when astronomers around the world celebrate the Sun by observing it through telescopes with protective filters, participating in virtual observing sessions or making presentations explaining all about the Sun: what it is, how it affects us, the activity we see, and so on.
You are invited to bring out your telescope all day on April 11 to observe the Sun and share the experience with your friends! If weather in your area is not so suitable, switch on your computer, log onto the Internet, and join our online, remote observing session to get a close-up of our closest star. Meet other friends online and share your thoughts with them. You may see the Sun as never before. The Virtual Telescope starts the observing session at 12:30 UT on April 11.
See the Solar Programs section of the web site for more information.
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