Science Magazine runs articles on IYA2009 Galilescope Cornerstone project
16 April 2010
ASTRONOMY EDUCATION: Telescopes for the People
By John Bohannon
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 has come and gone, and the Galileoscope project, one of the most ambitious parts of the global IYA campaign, was supposed to be wrapped up by now. The original goal was to put telescopes in the hands of the millions of people attending IYA events. But then the global financial crisis hit. The scientists on the team were forced to become instant entrepreneurs to keep the Galileoscope project alive. The ultimate aim of the IYA was "to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the universe." What better way to do that than give them their own telescopes?
Read more:
THE GONZO SCIENTIST: Galileo in Senegal
By John Bohannon
Read more:
Also: listen to John Bohannon’s talking about telescopes in rural Senegal on the Science Podcast:
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