Call for Abstracts: Amateur and professional astronomers in Europe
28 April 2010
How pro-am cooperation is changing astronomy (JENAM2010 Special Session)
Friday, 10 September 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
Many amateur astronomers, after being involved with observing for a number of years, want to do something more. They would like to make a meaningful contribution to astronomy, either through public outreach, informal education, or research. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 has been the ultimate proof that such cooperation is possible, desirable and generate highly valuable outcomes. On the research side, astronomy is one of the few sciences where amateurs can contribute to leading-edge knowledge. This is made possible by the availability of affordable, advanced equipment, especially CCD cameras and spectroscopes.
During this special session we will explore the current status of amateur and professional cooperation in astronomy and explore the possible future plans for a common platform to foster or even strengthen cooperation.
Oral and poster abstracts are welcome in the following topics:
- Observational techniques
- Data analysis methods
- Ground-based observations
- Publications
- Coordinated observational campaigns
- Citizen-scientist programmes
- Public Outreach and Informal Education
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Pedro Ré (Portuguese Amateur Astronomers Association): Pro-am Collaborations.
- Jean-Luc Dighaye: EurAstro pro-am activities.
- Pedro Russo (IAU/ESO): The pro-am cooperation in the framework of the International Year of Astronomy.
- José Ribeiro: Amateur Astrophysics (
- Gerardo Avila (ESO): Spectrographs and tools in amateur astronomy
- Hervé Lamy (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy): BRAMS, the Belgian RAdio Meteor Stations: a collaboration between professionals and radioamateurs.
Abstract Submission:
Full JENAM2010 Programme:
Other related sessions:
- Special Session 6: New Trends in Global Astronomy Education:
- Special Session 7: Education and Outreach after IYA2009:
Important note: We recommend amateur astronomers and school teachers planning to attend this special session to apply to the conference travel grant as soon as possible. More information:
Important Dates:
- 31/05/2010 : End of Grant application
- 30/06/2010: End of Abstract submission
- 07/07/2010: End of early registration
Additional note: The participants of this session might be interested in the Astrogalicia2010, an amateur astronomers meeting in Boimorto, Galicia (northern Spain/5-6 hours driving from Lisbon) between 10 -12 of September 2010: (
Main Organisers:
- Pedro Russo (IAU/ESO):
- Jean-Luc Dighaye (EurAstro):
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