Call for Abstracts: Education and Outreach after the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Europe
30 April 2010
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) featured tens of thousands of events worldwide. These were organised and implemented by many professionals, amateurs and volunteers who built IYA2009 into the most successful science education and public outreach project ever undertaken.
This symposium focuses on two key aspects of IYA2009: outreach in terms of communicating astronomy with the public, and the educational value of astronomy in attracting young people into science and technology studies at school and after. A huge number of events were planned across Europe, so contributors are invited to share their experiences. This symposium is an excellent opportunity to learn from each other and gather new ideas for events and projects beyond IYA2009.
Submissions are welcome in the following topics:
- Reports from IYA2009 National Nodes, Organisational Nodes, Cornerstone Projects and Special Projects with an emphasis on the IYA2009 legacy
- Beyond IYA2009 activities and projects
- Evaluation of IYA2009 and lessons for the future
- Challenges and successes: Case studies from Europe
- Audiovisual & multimedia communication in the social networking/Web 2.0 mediascape: twitter/youtube/facebook/vodcasting
- Social impact of astronomy communication
- Alternative ways of communicating astronomy
- EPO Clearinghouses: Portal to the Universe, COMpadre, etc.
- Communicating across national, language, political, social and cultural borders
Abstract Submission:
Important Dates:
- 31/05/2010 : End of Grant application
- 30/06/2010: End of Abstract submission
- 07/07/2010: End of early registration
Full JENAM2010 Programme:
Other related sessions:
- Special Session 6: New Trends in Global Astronomy Education:
- Special Session 8: Amateur and professional astronomers:
Important note: We recommend amateur astronomers and school teachers planning to attend this special session to apply to the conference travel grant as soon as possible. More information:
Main Organisers:
- I. Robson (Edinburgh, UK)
- P. Russo (IAU/ESO):
- M. Stavinschi (Bucharest, Romania)
- Rosa Maria Ros (Barcelona, Spain)
Search IYA2009 Updates
National Nodes: 148
Organisational Nodes: 40
Organisational Associates:33
National Websites: 111
Cornerstone Projects: 12
Special Task Groups: 11
Special Projects:16
Official Products:8
Media Partners:22