IYA2009 Updates
18 June 2010
Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal #8 is out: In this issue of CAPJournal, the artist Tim Roth and his collaborators give us a behind the scenes look to their science–art project Cosmic Revelation and Matthew McCool looks back in time to the clash between science and the humanities and much more. http://www.capjournal.org/issues/08/index.php
Universe Awareness at the International SKA Forum 2010: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/951/
Our Space website and competition for schools: To see the amazing videos, find out more about the competition and get tips on how to create a digital space adventure check out the Our Space website. http://www.our-space.org/
In the dark: Sky observations cast light on pollution
Globe at Night, which promotes the value of dark skies, set a record in 2010 with more than 17,800 measurements of night sky light pollution from people in 86 countries. Read more here: http://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/052710_darkskies
Astronomy Career Guide
A new Guide to Career Education which focuses on providing Astronomy students and professionals with the best astronomy career resources on the internet: http://www.guidetocareereducation.com/tips-and-tools/astronomy-careers
Astro Book Drive for Tanzania concluded successfully.
The donations were raised by the members of Greater Portland Astronomical Society in Maine, USA and donated to UNAWE-Tanzania group. Please find the report here: http://astrodrive.lakdiva.net/projects/tanzania/bookdrive_report.html More information about the Astro Book Drive: http://astrodrive.lakdiva.net/
Space Generation Congress
Registrations are open for The Space Generation Congress 2010 (SGC2010) taking place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 23-25 2010. Students and young professionals in the space sector are invited to submit their applications by July 1, 2010. read more: http://www.spacegeneration.org/index.php/activities/space-generation-congress
setiQuest is looking for a community manager intern
If you are ready to join the setiQuest (http://setiquest.org/) and guide this tribe, please send your resume and brief note describing your place in the cosmos to: jobs@setiquest.org
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