IYA2009 Updates
9 July 2010
Buy 5 Galileoscopes, Get 1 Free!
Galileoscopes are in stock and available for rapid delivery - no more long waits. New prices are $30 each for 1 to 5 kits, or $150 for a case of 6 ($25 each); that’s like getting 1 free for every 5 you buy at the regular price! Ongoing support for teachers and others using Galileoscopes with students and the public is now available through NOAO’s Teaching With Telescopes website: http://www.TeachingWithTelescopes.org. Also, through a generous donation from Ric and Jean Edelman, 1 to 5 **FREE** Galileoscopes are available to U.S. primary-, middle-, and secondary-school teachers; recipients pay only for shipping/handling. For details, go to http://www.galileoscope.org and click on the Order Now! link. Now is the time to order Galileoscopes for use in your Fall 2010 education and outreach programs!
Hubble Pop Culture Contest: For the past 20 years the Hubble Space Telescope has brought you the most breathtaking images of the Universe. Now it’s your turn to look for astonishing examples of Hubble pictures, or pictures of Hubble, used in unexpected places. More information: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/20anniversary/hubblepopculture/
Total Solar Eclipse of 11 July 2010 -- LIVE
11 July will feature another total solar eclipse.The eclipse will be visible over much of the southern Pacific Ocean, touching several small islands including Tuamotu in French Polynesia and Easter Island, as well as the southern tips of Argentina and Chile in South America. More information: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/973/
The World at Night Newsletter July 2010
Europlanet honours Jean Lilensten with first Prize for Excellence in Public Engagement: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/970/
Archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy conference: building bridges between cultures: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/969/
Astro Book Drive Update
In 2008 "Ghana Science Project" built the first public planetarium in Accra, Ghana the only digital planetarium in West, East or Central Africa. The planetarium gave a good boost in astronomy education in Ghana. Since it's inauguration in 2008, the planetarium has come a long way serving and educating many students and public. Education & Public Outreach Unit of Cornell University (USA), currently running a book drive to facilitate Ghana Science Project to improve their astronomy outreach efforts. Read more: http://astrodrive.lakdiva.net/projects/ghana_bookdrive.html
3D atlas of the universe TED talk online
Following the global success of the YouTube move The Known Universe, with over five million views, Carter Emmart, director of astrovisualization at the American Museum of Natural History in New York was invited to present at the well-renowned TED Talks in February 2010. Watch the video: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/967/
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