Vatican City State
Single Point of Contact
Dr. José G. Funes, Director Vatican Observatory
Governatorato Citta del Vaticano
VA - 00120 Citta del Vaticano
Vatican City State
Phone | +379 06-6988-5266 |
Fax | +379 06-6988-4671 | | |
Website | |
Exhibition of historical telescopes
Autumn 2009
Together with the Vatican Museums and Italy's National Institute for Astrophysics the Observatory is organizing an exhibit at the Museums featuring telescopes down through the centuries.
Study week on Astrobiology
6 - 11 November, 2009
Together with the Pontifical Academy of Sciences the Observatory is preparing a Study Week on Astrobiology to be held at the Academy.
Meeting of Alumni
21 - 26 June 2009
A meeting of the alumni of past Vatican Observatory Summer Schools on the theme of "Astronomy; A Stimulus to Dialogue on Humanity's Common Concerns." The meeting will be held at the Conference Center of the "Istituto il Carmelo" at Sassone, Italy near the headquarters of the Observatory at Castel Gandolfo.
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