Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS)
Single Point of Contact
Prof. Hamid M. K. Al-Naimiy, President Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS)/Professor of Astrophysics, Dean of Col
University of Sharjah
P.O. BOX 27272
- Sharjah
United Arab Emirates
Phone | +971 6 5050200 |
Fax | +971 6 5050489 | |
The 5th Islamic Astronomy conference
3 - 5 August 2009
This conference will be organized by AUASS at Al-al-Bayte University of Jordan/Participants are, from all the Islamic countries.
The 3rd International Astronomy & Space Sciences Forum for Young and Amateur astronomers and space scientists
29 - 30 October 2009
This Forum will be organized by AUASS in collaboration with Al-Sherah astronomical Society of Algeria.
The 9th Astronomy and Space Sciences conference
Sudan Activity
17 - 19 November 2009
This conference will be organised by AUASS in collaboration with the Sudan Ministry of Education, Science and technology.
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Organisational Nodes: 40
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Cornerstone Projects: 12
Special Task Groups: 11
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Official Products:8
Media Partners:22